Golla Ganda
Red, yellow and green, the colors mixed up together with white ice to make a Golla Ganda that's what happens when you are around so many glaciers. The thing is like an iced slush with different flavours. Most importantly it was not the taste that mattered although its mouth wateringly tasty but the fun you experience when you have to dig ice from the glacier and fill it in a glass with a bambo stick and pour some amazing colorful juices on it, was exclusively enchanting. And this enjoyment multiplies a million times when you are with fifteen kids of different ages to whoop around you. Plus it becomes a universal act of happiness when you have a zillion such memories to be happy for. I still remember the time when I was a kid myself and we enjoyed the same exclusive Gola Ganda near the same river Kunhar almost 25 years ago. Wow it sounds like it had happened ages ago yet it felt like it was yesterday. CHECK TANZEELA K. HASSAN'S FIRST NOVEL HUNGER ...