SnowFall in Quetta

It was freezing,  chilly waves piercing deep into my spine. I couldn't even put my finger out of my jacket-jacket like a thin jeans one. That was the most piteous part, I  even didn't had a chance to my buy a proper jacket.

Tazeela k Hassan is an emerging Novelist,  check out her thriller  Hunger published at amazon.

The trip was planned in a half hours span and we were on our way from karachi to Quetta in about an hour after that. Visiting Balochistan in December getting the most out of the winter vacations was our plan. 

To our delight we experienced the most exciting snowfall right when we were about to leave the restaurant. 

Little white flakes started to show up on my black scarf. I heard shrieks and whoops around me. All of a sudden the atmosphere became windy and the amazingly the snowfall became thicker and thicker. 

We rushed to our cars and headed back to our hotel. The track became white as thick fur in no time. Our  car was sliding through it. The air echoed with safety prayers. 

Some of the locals were traveling on a motorbike. That was a total fascinating sight. 
Wrapped in large plastic sheet they had a metal shield at the front of their bike to block the heavy fall of snow. 

Enchantingly the sun was also out going down at our west. Imagine the sight were one finds heavy snow fall in dying sunlight. No words can explain. Allah's artistry to its greatness.

*Image courtesy by Q.Shariq.


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